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Website Design & Development

Our team can develope the website under the timeline with best quality which has made the client trust us in UAE.

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Web Application Development

Our Web Team is proactive basis to deliver the world class solution for the Web based soltuions to inspire in Abu dhabi - Awarded for Best Web Application Developer in Abu Dhabi.

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Mobile App Development

Our mobile app development team makes sure to stay at top technology, making sure to build applications with customer centric to focus the vision in short period of time.

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E-Commerce Development

Our team Makes you to play with the console, you can stay at the top of your products, purchases, and prices at one go, even control your inventory in single click.

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Branding Design

Our independent branding and design team is headquarters in Abu Dhabi. We achieve this by creating distinctive brand strategies throughout UAE.

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Reach your ideal customers Ranks on the world's largest professional network. Lets people find you on top. We have made that to be benefit in UAE.

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Digital Marketing

Allowing you to make faster and better business decisions. Access your most regular data wherever required, and with-in real-time.

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Domain & Hosting

We Provide world class control on your web hosting where you be able manage local hosted servers in Abu dhabi.

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Bulk SMS & Email

We care more on OTP get our support today to make sure you have right numbers for further communication in Abu Dhabi.

User Interface

Market Place

Our Application Stands alone to bring the new concept that involves all the B2B, B2C, C2C concept in one application. Where this application helps each sector to be listed and to perform the business we have different modules ready for each segment that can be used based on the requirement.

Get in touch with us:
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User Interface

Track Your Team

With our Core Solution, you can track the team that works on-site and provides 24/7 support, such as engineers, sales and delivery teams working on-site. We can even track shipments, freight, packages, etc. With LRBINFOTECH's IOT devices, you can assign them daily tasks based on their active location with Geo Fencing / Reverse Geo Code / GMaps In Build and Job Management. Our application is used by banks to monitor their sales team.

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User Interface

Shop at the Go

Our unique mobile app solution for shopping helps you the best. Our mobile development consists of customised layers that can adapt to any e-commerce segment. We focus more on the platform based solution. Our integration with key backend services is easily accessible, with payment gateway and other combinations for Abu Dhabi market. We describe our solution as market ready and customised.

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User Interface

Wash it | Laundry

Make your life easy and let your fingers do the work. Our concept of bringing the laundry to your home gives you all the benefits in one place. Our application works in different formations, for example, pick up the laundry from the house, then the order is booked and the next driver reaches the house to pick up the laundry and bring it to you. The user has the privilege to choose his location according to availability (slots | drop offs).

Get in touch with us:
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User Interface

Happy Me

Have you ever thought about how your employees feel on a daily basis? We bring an enterprise solution that lets you know how your team feels in the office. There are many segments in this development where we understand the emotions of employees, This helps management to better understand the state of their employees. Our solution has brought great changes in the market as you can feel the pulse of any team and monitor their performance.

Get in touch with us:
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User Interface

Market Place

Our Application Stands alone to bring the new concept that involves all the B2B, B2C, C2C concept in one application. Where this application helps each sector to be listed and to perform the business we have different modules ready for each segment that can be used based on the requirement.

Get in touch with us:
Download on the App Store
Download on the Google Play
User Interface

Track Your Team

With our Core Solution, you can track the team that works on-site and provides 24/7 support, such as engineers, sales and delivery teams working on-site. We can even track shipments, freight, packages, etc. With LRBINFOTECH's IOT devices, you can assign them daily tasks based on their active location with Geo Fencing / Reverse Geo Code / GMaps In Build and Job Management. Our application is used by banks to monitor their sales team.

Get in touch with us:
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To Know Us More


Our team providing round a clock service and developing the projects under the timelines with the perfect quality which make us proud in Abu dhabi.

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It's You Next
Private Chat Integration

Our Core team helps to Integrate with NLP and NLU Chat Bots with functional by Live.

Robotic Process Automation

We provide Custom made API to automate your mobile App test case for the better result and different load pay.

Payment Gateway Integration

A Platform Built Integration for Growing Your Business With Modular Design Lets You Adapt to New Opportunity.


Our team provides the custom made solution to make your phone as the image process reader.

Successful Project
Our Happy
Years of Experience
Energetic Employees

Top soltuion provider in United Arab Emirates located at the Heart of Abu dhabi.


Six important questions on LRB INFO TECH



Have you ever thought your employee feels to work in organization, It good to know how they feel with there work make it impactfull and more powerfull work place, Our solution has bought the Major change in the enterprise account where you can understand the pulse of each and every team member and there performance can be monitored.

Feel It

Know your depatment overall feedback Predict the resul, Make them happy, We have believe that when the team is happy productivity is high.

Fix It

This Data will help you to know where your team needs an break and support we can play with the data using it NLP and NLU to your own employee making them more happy end of the day.

Send a Message

Speak With Our Technical Consultant Now For Further Details.